Almost all of our proteins are grown on our farm, with your health in mind. We partner with local producers and artisans for the other items we offer. Create a free account.
Choose from our ever-growing selection of products from the comfort of your own phone or at our on farm RETAIL STORE.
We offer 10, different pick up options in the Treasure Valley to meet us at. You can walk into our store, or we will we bring an order to your door step. We HOME DELIVER every Thursday morning.
We do our very best to keep our fields covered at all times, no naked soil ever! Having plant cover and living roots in the soil year round makes it possible for life below the surface to flourish. We employ the use of cover crops, double cropping, and rotationally grazing animals throughout the growing season and as long as we can into the winter. Healthy soil translates to healthy animals and healthy humans. After all, YOUR nutrients start with OUR soil.