WE'RE HIRING! Farm Store hours: M-F 9-5, Sat 9-3 Bulk Beef is NOW open for May preorder May 4th Wagon Tour and Specials are live!
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Farming Practices

  • Pasture Based System
    • Our pastures are free from pesticides and commercial fertilizers; we use organic practices
    • Cows are grazed on grass and intensively managed;  depending on the time of year they are moved daily or sometimes multiple times a day.  When the pastures are snow covered or frozen down, cattle are only fed grasses, hays, and baled cover crop.  No grain ever.
    • Pigs are rotated on their pasture and are free of crates.  Their supplemental feed is non-GMO and corn free.  We grow and harvest their ration right here on the farm; peas, triticale, lentils, oats, and flax.
    • Laying hens are on the same pasture as the cows following behind them   
    • Broilers and turkeys are rotated on fresh pasture daily, with a non-GMO, soy free ration
  • No-till Farming
    • We try to disturb the soil as little as possible.   We believe that what is happening below the ground is just as important as what is happening above. We try to do everything that we can to feed our soil. This is accomplished using no-till practices.
    • Low Carbon Footprint
    • Animals are fed from plants grown on the farm
    • Many producers have to buy feed from other farmers, using extra fossil fuel to haul the feed to and from farms
  • Mineral Rich
    • We supplement our animals with Redmond Salt and Clay, this adds minerals to help keep them healthier
    • We also supplement the land with the same minerals helping the grass and other plants grow stronger
  • Non-GMO and Soy Free
    • Seed and plant diversity has started to dwindle, we want to help keep the diversity alive
  • Hormone/Antibiotic Free
    • We don't believe in low doses of antibiotics to help animals gain weight faster
  • Humanely Raised, Harvested, and Traceable
    • We breed for docile animals, this leads to less stress for animals and humans 
    • Animals are raised in small batches, free from confinement
    • Each animal is harvested one at a time, the old fashioned way at local establishments, and inspected by the USDA
    • Care is taken in each cut and package
    • Unlike large kill facilities, each package of meat we sell, can be traced back to a single animal