WE'RE HIRING! Farm Store hours: M-F 9-5, Sat 9-3 Bulk Beef is NOW open for May preorder May 4th Wagon Tour and Specials are live!

Our story is not new, but we want you to know it and feel like you are a part of it!  Because if you purchase from us or even believe in what we're doing or want to know more, you play a role.

The McIntyre family started farming this area back in 1909. The generations before us came here with the promise that if you helped with the canal and reservoir project, you could purchase land.  The farm started out mostly with row crops and raising animals, including a small dairy and supplying local watermelons.  Loren’s dad also started an alfalfa business which is still a part of our operation today.  Fast forward to 2009, after returning from college, Ben and Brad (who both received their bachelors degrees from BYU-ID) were picking up rocks in fields and began to wonder why the rocks just seemed to keep coming up. This led them (and all of us!) down the road in many directions… to no-till, biology of the soil and eventually to Gabe Brown. 

We realized that life below ground was just as essential as life above. We started bringing more cows back on the land to help build soil and to utilize the refuse left through the no-tilling we had begun to do and believe in.  We wanted to build the land the way nature has done it instead of with artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Since that time, more cows are on the farm as well as pastured hogs and pastured chickens and turkeys, which follow in rotation behind the cattle.  Pastured laying hens are the perfect ‘sanitizer’ to clean up flies and live the way nature intended, free to graze on lush pasture and build our soil's health. We graze and grow cover crops, and never let our soil go "naked".  We rotate crops including grasses, forages, brassicas, peppermint and more. We educate and also sell the cover crop seeds that we grow right here with our animals rotating through our fields.

Loren (father) and Ben and Brad (brothers) run the farm presently being the 3rd and 4th generations.  Loren always loves a good, new idea (that we love to conjure up)!  Brad has a great passion for soil health and  loves teaching and helping people build it no matter where they are.  Ben enjoys working with the beef and hogs and loves to organize and operate harvesting, grinding, and feeding efforts.

Ben’s wife, Maria, has helped farm and manage the office since she joined the family and currently does the marketing. She has a BA degree in marketing from Utah State University.  She loves all aspects of the farm, growing up on one herself in the Magic Valley of Idaho, and involves her and Ben's 4 children in all the process.  Jill (Brad's wife), also a native Idahoan, helps with egg cleaning and orders when she can. You may have met her at farmers market.  She is a super busy mom to 6!  Kathy is our matriarch and cheerleader and fills in when she can. She is the mother to NINE kids and grew up here in the Treasure Valley involved in her family's dairy and farm store.  Throughout the year, we have other relatives (sister in laws, cousins) that work seasonally.  There are lots of kids running around and enjoying this beautiful way of life.  The older ones truly help with the process and the younger ones are learning the ropes and learning to love this life that we cherish.  Thanks for stopping by!